21 Following

Snuggly Oranges

Guess I'll give this thing a try now that Goodreads is being a douche nozzle.
March 2014
started following:
March 2014
So she got her NetGalley account blocked, and created several status updates today. I missed the first, and I caught the seco...
January 2014
BookLikes Reading Challenge: Snuggly Oranges wants to read 100 books in 2014.
Snuggly Oranges has read 1 book(s) out of 100 books in
2014 Reading Challenge
reviewed: ARC Book Review: Witch Finder by Ruth Warburton
*exhales* First off, NO. I had to get that out of the way. I tried really hard to like Witch Finder. I went in with the lowes...
Witchfinder - Ruth Warburton
January 2014
reviewed: ARC Book Review: After Eden by Helen Douglas
Oh dear. After Eden, what can I say? Perhaps I can start with that I should have known better. I was tempted by the time trav...
After Eden - Helen  Douglas
reviewed: Book Review: Vampire Academy by Richelle Mead
I start this review with the utmost trepidation because... well here's a book that pretty much every YA reader on the planet ...
Vampire Academy Official Movie Tie-In Edition - Richelle Mead
reviewed: Book Review: Altered by Jennifer Rush
Altered came to my notice with only the highest recommendations from Amber (and Judith), and thus there was a considerable am...
Altered - Jennifer Rush
reviewed: Book Review: Arclight by Josin L. McQuein
Holy crap! This book was awesome! Arclight is an astonishingly powerful debut by Josin L. McQuein. Even for someone who usual...
Arclight  - Josin L. McQuein
reviewed: ARC Book Review: Just Like Fate by Cat Patrick and Suzanne Young
In the first half of this year I discovered a sub-genre I'm totally in love with: stories involving alternate/parallel univer...
Just Like Fate - Cat Patrick, Suzanne Young
finished reading: